Jackie Chan started off his carrier in an adult movie

All in the Family is a 1975 Hong Kong adult comedy film, directed by Mu Zhu and produced under Golden Harvest productions.

Jackie Chan plays a rickshaw driver. It contains one of only two sex scenes which Chan has done, the other one being in Shinjuku Incident. It is the only film Chan has starred in where there wasn't a single fight or stunt sequence.
In 2006, Information Times quoted Chan's response to an article in the Hong Kong media regarding the film.

"I had to do anything I could to make a living 31 years ago, but I don't think it's a big deal, even Marlon Brando used to be exposed in his movies," Chan said. "The porn movie at that time was more conservative than the current films," he said. Hong Kong citizens tipped local media that Chan was in the porn movie "All in the Family" in 1975, with a porn movie star who was famous at that time. The Hong Kong made movie, directed by Zhu Mu, was defined as a comedy".

The movie is about a family that gathers to be with its dying father. The reunion brings old rivalries to the surface.

Mr. Hu is dying, so calls his family to his bedside. After his death, his three sons divide Mr. Hu's belongings, leaving their mother and sister with nothing. Between them, the sister and mother come up with a plan to get revenge. The sister starts a rumour that her mother is actually very rich. On hearing the rumour, the three sons quickly return home and vie for their mother's favor in the hope of getting the money from her.

Spring Lady is tiring of her husband, Ma, and has an eye on Little Tang, a rickshaw boy. Little Tang is in love with Lin-tze, but as Lin-tze is happily married to Chang Hsun, his attentions are soon swayed by Spring Lady. Although Ma discovers the affair, he is too busy to care.
