Grant Morrison worked on a comic called The New Adventures of Hitler

The New Adventures of Hitler was a satirical and surreal (one scene has Hitler opening a cupboard to find Morrissey singing “Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now”) strip based on the claims of Hitler’s sister-in-law Bridget Dowling that Hitler had lived with her, her husbandAlois Hitler, Jr., and her son William Patrick Hitler in Liverpool from 1912 to 1913. It first appeared in Cut, a Scottish arts and culture magazine and became instantly controversial, and some accused Morrison of being a Nazi due to his use of Hitler in what was essentially a humorous story.

The resulting controversy saw Pat Kane, the lead singer of the band Hue and Cry as well as one of the magazine’s editors, threaten to walk off the magazine and indulge in a public war of words with Morrison over his intentions with the strip. The debate widened to cover freedom of speech issues and became a nationwide news story when the tabloid newspaper The Sun got hold of the story. Cut folded before the whole strip was published, but the controversy continued when The New Adventures of Hitlerwas printed in its entirety in Crisis in 1990.

Crisis was a spin off from 2000 AD which printed more adult-oriented work and The New Adventures of Hitler fit in with the themes of the magazine. However the controversy which had surrounded the story in Cut continued with the strip’s reprinting in Crisis. The story ran from Crisis in issues 46-49 and a proposed collected edition by IPC never appeared. Morrison himself had planned to set up his own imprint to self-publish some of his work, including The New Adventures of Hitler, but nothing came of the idea.
