A monolith has been discovered on Mars

A perfectly rectangular structure was discovered on Mars after amateur space enthusiasts investigated NASA pictures of the Red Planet. 
The Mars monolith is a rectangular boulder discovered on the surface of Mars. It is located near the bottom of a cliff, which it likely fell from in the past. The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter took pictures of it from orbit, roughly 180 miles (300 km) away.

The object was first discovered several years after it was photographed using a HiRISE camera onboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, reported Live Science. The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter is a NASA space probe that is used to photograph Earth's friendly red neighbor.
However, most researchers conclude, while it looks astounding, the Mars monolith is not anything out of the ordinary. It simply appears to be nothing more than a rectangular boulder on the surface of the fourth planet from the sun.
